HPFA Show #15 Juice=Juice World Tour~London~ 報導

Juice=Juice的世界巡回演出來到倫敦站。值得一提的是,這次是Hello! Project旗下組合第一次登陸英國!7月中,組合新加入了從Country Girls 移籍的梁川奈奈美和H!P研修生 段原瑠瑠。追加了新成員的Juice=Juice勢如破竹,除了於8月23日推出新的數位單曲「Fiesta! Fiesta!」,更是Hello! Project中首個組合舉行世界巡演!


00:17 Juice=Juice到會場外 *請留意梁川*
00:38 訪問外國歌迷、場外情況
♪ Fiesta! Fiesta!
03:03 ♪ 裸の裸の裸のKISS
03:50 ♪ 伊達じゃないよ うちの人生は
台下Juice=Juice Call

Article: https://goo.gl/DPkN32

More on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HPFAHK/


P.S. Special thanks to John for your kind assistance and the girls for your time!

評論不代表本台立場,只屬於參與者個人意見 #juicejuice #JUICE_JUICE #ハロープロジェクト #HelloProject #Hello_Project

[官方授權拍攝] [CN/Eng] Juice=Juice邁向世界 世巡登陸倫敦站 一次過睇7人+5人果汁 Juice=Juice in London!

Click here for English version


Juice=Juice 隸屬日本偶像品牌Hello! Project,於2013年2月3日結成。初期成員分別為:宮崎由加金澤朋子高木紗友希大塚愛菜宮本佳林植村Akari。組合的名稱更是蘊含了「保有著如剛採摘的水果一般的新鮮感」的意義,是非常有個性的實力唱跳女子組合。當然,Juice=Juice自出道以來也不是一帆風順、毫無阻滯的。結成同年7月,初期成員之一的大塚愛菜離隊,組合只剩下5人。後來成員們都相繼宣佈患上不同疾病,先有金澤朋子於2016年確診子宮結膜症而需缺席演唱會、後有高木紗友宣佈因聲帶結節(長繭)而接受了手術。在今年7月未公司更公佈主力成員 –宮本佳林確診患上功能性發音障礙,每當輪到自己的歌詞時就會不受控制的喘息,導致佳林休養了一個月。然而這些苦難並沒有令她們止下步伐,反讓這些女孩子們之間的凝聚力更上一層樓,成為現今Hello! Project中實力數一數二的組合。7月中,組合新加入了從Country Girls 移籍的梁川奈奈美和H!P研修生 段原瑠瑠。追加了新成員的Juice=Juice勢如破竹,除了於8月23日推出新的數位單曲「Fiesta! Fiesta!」,更是Hello! Project中首個組合舉行世界巡演!


上週四,Juice=Juice的世界巡回演出來到倫敦站。值得一提的是,這次是Hello! Project旗下組合第一次登陸英國!當日除了英國本地人外,更有不少從歐洲各國遠道而來的歌迷,可見Juice=Juice的人氣不容小覷!而由於2位新成員:梁川奈奈美段原瑠瑠未滿18歲,根據日本法例她們在十點後必須退場,也不能參與演唱會後的握手會。但演唱會前2星期主辦方宣佈握手會改為演唱會前一小時的晚上8時開始,所以粉絲們總算可以一嘗心願,能和7位成員握手。有不少粉絲由於是第一次近距離接觸成員,所以也難掩心情,流下感動的淚水。

晚上9時,成員進場,演唱會正式開始。打響頭炮的當然是7人體制後的第一張單曲「Fiesta! Fiesta!」,現場粉絲情緒也相當高漲。早前因病休養的宮本佳林也狀態大勇,展現完美歌喉,看來休養過後已逐漸康復。唱畢頭3首歌後,成員用英語向英國的歌迷自我介紹和打招呼,並表示她們非常興奮能在英國表演。由於台上沒有翻譯員,一群少女們都日英夾雜和動用身體語言和歌迷交流。及後在第二次MC時,隊長宮崎由加更是稱讚歌迷們在握手會時的日語非常流利,以及女生們都非常美麗。而提到最有印象的觀光景點,由加則表示「被大笨鐘震驚了!真的很大!因為在大笨鐘拍了很多能上傳在Instagram的美圖,以後會上傳到Blog的」由加指成員們去了英國老牌百貨公司「Harrods」,並在樓梯上拍了很多照片,並說「希望歌迷們看到Blog後,也會想起今天的演唱會」。

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歌單中雖然有不少都是單曲,但當唱到首張專輯「First Squeeze!」中的「CHOICE&CHANCE」時,現場氣氛進一步被炒熱!而唱完此曲後,由於時間馬上到10時,2位新成員簡單感謝觀眾後退場。


段原瑠瑠「感謝大家今天的來場!雖然不能演出至完場,感到很寂寞,但是今天真的很高興!請大家也享受到最後!Thank You!」

梁川奈奈美「雖然很寂寞不能留到最後,但是今天真的非常非常開心得令我覺得不想回去,我喜歡上了英國!I Love UK!今天我真的很Happy Happy ,也希望大家能Happy Happy的回去!今天感謝大家了!」

從「五月雨美女が乱れる」這首歌開始的表演回歸為初期5位成員的配置。在日本,只有年尾Hello! Project家族倒數演唱會時才能再次看到5人Juice=Juice的表演,所以倫敦的歌迷這次可謂是大飽眼福,能一次過看到全新的7人Juice=Juice和初期的5人Juice=Juice!Encore則是唱了組合第2張單曲「イジワルしないで抱きしめて 」和翻唱前輩-太陽與月亮(太陽とシスコムーン)的「Magic of Love (J=J 2015 Ver.)」。


最後的MC時,植村Akari突然指著前排一位女生的袋子,說「This bag, me too!」原來是在台上看到了歌迷拿著和自己同款的手袋,引得台下歌迷都哄堂大笑。最後也說出「今天能在倫敦和這麼多歌迷一起享受演唱會,真的是Very Very Very Happy!最初是7名成員,然後途中變成5名成員表演,即使我們只有5人在台上,大家都為我們熱烈應援,希望能7位成員一起再次到訪倫敦!Thank you very much!」

宮本佳林也道出「因為在這麼遙遠的地方也有著喜歡Juice=Juice的人們,我們才能到這裡開演唱會,所以會努力令下一次能有更多many many Juice=Juice Family加入」的抱負。


金澤朋子「Today is so fun! I am so happy! 今天有一件特別開心的事,英國和日本明明距離很遠,但是大家在「Magic of Love (J=J 2015 Ver.)」的時候用日語嗌了「就是這裡啊朋子!」的Call,真的很感謝大家!」

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成員一一向英國的粉絲作最後的道別後,最後為歌迷們特別獻上英文版的「Wonderful World」。此曲更是組合第一次奪下日本Oricon榜該週單曲第一位的歌曲,意義深遠。相信經過這次Juice=Juice的世巡後,接下來Hello! Project會有更多姊妹組合來訪歐洲,也希望Juice=Juice順利完成接下來的行程,並盡快舉行下一次世巡,登陸更多不同國家!



  1. Fiesta! Fiesta!
  2. 裸の裸の裸のKiss
  3. 伊達じゃないよ うちの人生は

-MC1- 英文

  1. 初めてを経験中
  2. Ça va ? Ça va ?
  3. チクタク 私の旬
  4. 地団駄ダンス


  1. 愛·愛·傘
  2. KEEP ON 上昇志向!!
  3. ロマンスの途中
  5. 五月雨美女が乱れる
  6. 私が言う前に抱きしめなきゃね
  7. Goal~明日はあっちだよ~


  1. イジワルしないで抱きしめて
  2. Magic of Love (J=J 2015 Ver.)


  1. Wonderful World (英語 Ver.)

【演唱會訊息】Juice=Juice Live Around 2017 in Taipei

時間: 2017 / 10 / 1 (Sun) (16:00 進場 / 17:00 開演)
地點: 河岸留言 西門紅樓展演館 (台北市萬華區西寧南路177號)
售票: 2017/9/16 15:00 開始售票
售票系統: KKTIX http://kktix.com
票價: NT$2,500 (門票特典: 全員握手會+16頁演唱會寫真冊)

攝:Yue Chun


Juice=Juice LIVE AROUND 2017~World Tour~London!

Juice=Juice, formed in 2013, is one of the Japanese idol groups of Hello! Project. At first it was consisted of 6 members, who are Yuka Miyazaki, Tomoko Kanazawa, Sayuki Takagi, Aina Otsuka, Karin Miyamoto and Akari Uemura. The group was named as “Juice=Juice", which comes from the concepts of “freshly picked", “100% natural" and “freshly squeezed", meaning the group will always perform with freshness and different personalities.

Yet things have not been as smooth as they seem to be. In July 2013, one of the original members, Aina Otsuka withdrew from the group, since then Juice=Juice continued their activities as a 5-member group until this year. In 2016, Tomoko Kanazawa announced that she had been diagnosed with endometriosis and she would be unable to perform in concerts due to the side effects of the medicines. Not long after Tomoko‘s announcement, in November another member, Sayuki Takagi revealed in her blog that she had had the removal surgery of vocal cord nodule. And this year, at the end of July, it was announced that Karin Miyamoto was diagnosed with functional dysphonia (aka functional voice difficulty), as she felt difficulty in breathing when it came to her singing parts, she had to take rest from concerts for a month. However, even though there have been a lot of obstacles in their way, nothing has stopped them and they are still continuing the journey. Even tighter bonds were formed within the girls and now, they are one of the best performing groups, and the first group ever of Hello! Project to hold a world tour!

In mid-July, Nanami Yanagawa (concurrent member from Country Girls) and Ruru Danbara (Hello! Project trainee) joined the group, bringing the member count to 7. The first digital single after the new members addition, “Fiesta! Fiesta!" was released on 23rd August, 2017.


The world tour kicked off in Mexico City on 8 Sept and  it came to their London show last Thursday (14 Sept) at 229 The Venue, it’s also the first time for a Hello! Project group to perform in the UK! Other than local British, there were a lot of fans coming from other countries in Europe just to meet the girls. Since the 2 new members, Nanami Yanagawa and Ruru Danbara, were both under 18 years old, they had to leave the stage after 10pm according to the Japanese law. Fortunately the handshake event was changed to 8pm, which is 1 hour before the concert, so all of the fans were able to shake hands with all 7 members. Many of the fans burst into tears after the event as it was the first time for most of the them to meet the members.

The concert started promptly at 9pm, opened up with their new single “Fiesta! Fiesta!". The group delivered an excellent performance, and a special mention of Karin Miyamoto should be made. for her amazing singing despite the fact that she was still in recovery from functional dysphonia.

The members introduced themselves briefly in English during the first MC, and expressed their excitement for being able to perform in the UK. Due to the absence of a translator, the members later communicated with the audience by body gestures and very simple Japanese, in order to overcome the language barriers.

“I realised during the handshake event that all of you are so good at Japanese! And I saw a lot of beautiful women!"  said the group leader, Yuka Miyazaki. “I was surprised when I saw Big Ben, it’s really huge! We took so many beautiful photos there, so I will upload them to my blog! We took a lot of photos in Harrods as well, so I hope that when you read our blogs, your memory of today’s concert will be recalled." Yuka added.

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Although most of the songs were from their singles, the fans all got hyped when it came to “CHOICE&CHANCE", which was released in their first album “First Squeeze!". After that since it was almost 10pm, the two new members had to leave the stage after expressing their gratitude to the audience.


Ruru Danbara:“Thank you everyone for coming to our concert today! Although it’s sad that we can’t stay until the end of the show, I have been really happy today! Please enjoy til the end! Thank you!"

Nanami Yanagawa:“Although it’s sad that we are not able to stay until the end, today has been a really really happy day. I like UK so much that I don’t want to go back! I love UK! I am really happy happy today, and I hope that you will be happy happy as well! Thank you so much for coming today!"

Starting from “Samidare Bijo ga Samidareru", the rest of the show was performed by the original 5 members, which is also rare in Japan as this would only happen in Hello! Project Countdown Concert on New Year’s Eve, so it was very lucky for the UK fans to get to see the performances of both the brand new 7-member and the original 5-member Juice=Juice! They sang “Ijiwaru Shinai de Dakishimete yo" which is their second single, and also “Magic of Love (J=J 2015 Ver.)", the cover version of the 5th single of the senior group “Taiyou to Ciscomoon".


Finally it came to the last MC. Akari Uemura suddenly pointed at one of the girls who was in the first row and said “this bag, me too!" She stated that she saw the girl holding a same bag as hers, and she was happy that they were getting the same bags even they were in different country. “I am very very very happy to be able to enjoy the concert with so many fans in London! Started with 7 members, and became 5 members half way through, but all of you still showed huge support even though there are only 5 of us on the stage! I hope that the 7 of us can visit London soon! Thank you very much!"

Karin Miyamoto:“We are able to hold concerts here because there are so many people supporting us even though we are so far apart, so we will do our best to get many many Juice=Juice family to join us next time!" 

Sayuki Takagi:“I have never thought that there would be so many people coming to our concert, I feel really happy when I see your warm faces. I really want to live…stay in London! I would love to visit again, even in private!"

Tomoko Kanazawa:"Today is so fun! I am so happy! There is one thing that made me really happy today! There is a long way between UK and Japan, but you shouted “‘ts here Tomoko’ in Japanese during ‘Magic of Love (J=J 2015 Ver.)’, I really appreciate that, thank you!"

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For the very last song of the concert, the group presented the English version of “Wonderful World". This was the “first single of the group to reach #1 on the Oricon Singles Chart on it’s first week". Wish Juice=Juice the best on the remaining shows! It can be foreseen that there would be more groups from Hello! Project to visit Europe in the future after Juice=Juice’s world tour.



  1. Fiesta! Fiesta!
  2. Hadaka no Hadaka no Hadaka no KISS
  3. Date ja nai yo Uchi no Jinsei wa

-MC1- English

  1. Hajimete wo Keikenchu
  2. Ça va ? Ça va ?
  3. Tick-Tock Watashi no Shun
  4. Jidanda Dance


  1. Ai·Ai·Gasa
  2. KEEP ON Joshou Shikou!!
  3. Romance no Tochuu
  5. Samidare Bijo ga Samidareru
  6. Watashi ga Iu Mae ni Dakishimenakya ne
  7. Goal~Ashita wa Acchi da yo~


  1. Ijiwaru Shinai de Dakishimete yo
  2. Magic of Love (J=J 2015 Ver.)


  1. Wonderful World (English Ver.)

【Ticket information】Juice=Juice Live Around 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan
Red House Theater Riverside Live House
October 1st (Sunday) 16:00 Door / 17:00pm Show
Tickets sale: KKTIX http://kktix.com

HPFA Show #14 Morning Musume。’17 Live Concert in Hong Kong!! モーニング娘。’17

十年人事幾番新,Morning Musume闊別12年再度訪港,新人事新景象。


More on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HPFAHK/

Concert Photo Album: https://goo.gl/iNDU8d

Concert Report: https://goo.gl/JowbiV

モーニング娘。’17 Live in Hong Kong應援專頁: https://goo.gl/BM7n9m



#モーニング娘 #Morning_Musume #MorningMusume #ハロープロジェクト #HelloProject #Hello_Project